What is Bitcoin? History of Bitcoin and it’s Timeline of Bitcoin

What is Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is a virtual decentralized currency and does not need the involvement of banks or governments to function. Instead, it uses peer-to-peer software and encryption to accomplish its goals.

Every bitcoin’s transactions are recorded in a public ledger that is kept on a number of servers across the globe. Anyone with a spare computer may set up one of these servers, referred to as nodes. The agreement on who owns which coins is reached cryptographically among these nodes, rather than relying on a centralized source of trusts like a bank or other institution.

When Was Bitcoin Initially Developed?

Bitcoin was founded during the Great Recession of 2008, when public skepticism of banks and their role in the financial system intensified. Satoshi Nakamoto is the creator of Satoshi Nakamoto.

A block known as the genesis block was mined on January 3, 2009, marking the beginning of the blockchain’s existence. 

It was more than a year later, on May 22, 2010, when the first economic transaction took place, in which a Florida man arranged to have two Papa John’s pizzas worth $25 delivered in exchange for 10,000 BTC. The exact amount of Bitcoin is worth almost $400 million in today’s market. Bitcoin enthusiasts and supporters have declared May 22 as Pizza Day to honour this historical moment and mark the beginning of the Bitcoin era.

In 2011, miners and developers began developing alternative networks, such as Ethereum and Litecoin, and began improving the technology underlying Bitcoin’s blockchain, adapting it for new purposes, according to Furo. In 2012, miners and developers began developing alternative networks, such as Ethereum and Litecoin.

When Bitcoin became available on exchanges in 2010, the process of purchasing, selling, trading, and storing became easier. As a consequence of these trades, the value of bitcoin concerning the US dollar remains steady. In El Salvador, it has even been explicitly authorized as legal tender alongside the dollar as a mode of payment.

What motivated the Creation of the Bitcoin?

Bitcoin was outlined in a white paper written under the identity Satoshi Nakamoto and introducing the idea of bitcoin. It provided the ability to make transactions without relying on centralized government-issued fiat currencies instead of relying on digital signatures and digital coins to complete the transaction instead of traditional currencies. All transactions were recorded on a public ledger, ensuring that all information was available.

For donating their own processing power to the network to keep it running, miners get the monetary compensation in Bitcoin and are given a say in the development of new protocols for the blockchain network. This gives them the ability to operate as a de facto central bank, looking out for the interests of the whole digital currency community.

The decentralized and blockchain-based protocols of Bitcoin require that all nodes validate a transaction to be valid. Because of the dispersed nature of these computers and the fact that a large number of people manage them, it is believed to be exceedingly difficult to hack or corrupt them.

Some believe this to be a secure system, and the public has been interested in it since it was first implemented. For example, in 2017, Bitcoin soared 740 percent in five months, hitting a high of $19,807 before plummeting 69 percent to $5,967, a record high for the cryptocurrency.

Even though traders are well aware of the volatility of Bitcoin’s price, many believe that this top digital currency will be around for a long time.

Timeline of Bitcoin

Bitcoin as a currency first appeared in the late 2000s. Its beginnings, on the other hand, may be traced back decades.


It dates all the way back to 1982. That is when computer scientist David Chaum proposed e-Cash. In the early 1980s, Chaum published a paper titled “Blind signatures for untraceable payments”, in which he described a revolutionary kind of encryption he claimed might enable an automated payment method in which third parties also couldn’t retrieve payment details.

Chaum intended to put this concept into practice in 1990 by establishing DigiCash. DigiCash, like Bitcoin, was founded in Amsterdam with the goal of providing a safe and secure method of online payment. Despite Chaum’s inventiveness in garnering investors and venture capital, DigiCash went bankrupt in the late 1990s.

Nonetheless, Chaum laid the road for future cypherpunks. In 1997, Adam Back devised hashcash, a proof-of-work mechanism that is very similar to Bitcoin.


This year, two new cryptocurrency proposals emerged. In late 1998, Wei Dai wrote an article outlining his idea for “b-money,” a cryptocurrency whose exchange works similarly to Bitcoin’s blockchain. It generates cash by solving a mathematical problem, and money transactions are broadcast across the network.

Nick Szabo suggested “Bit Gold” in the same year. Szabo’s goal with alternative money was to create something that did not need a third party to manufacture or manage it. Solving the proof-of-work generates bits, and the last bit of the string is used to create the series for the subsequent transaction.


Before it, their predecessors attempted and failed for two decades. Then, in 2008, Bitcoin arrived. Bitcoin.org was registered in August of that year. The whitepaper’s concept was identical to that of the prior papers: secure digital signatures without the need for a third party, proof-of-work, and chaining transactions together.

The Bitcoin paper was authored by Satoshi Nakamoto, an anonymous individual or group of individuals.


A few days into 2009, the Genesis Block, the first block of Bitcoins, was mined. On January 9, the original Bitcoin software was released, and on January 12, Nakamoto presented notable computer programmer and developer Hal Finney with ten Bitcoins ((BTC)).

In October, the New Liberty Standard published the first Bitcoin exchange rate in history, pricing one dollar at 1,309.03 BTC. In December, Nakamoto modified the software.


A Bitcoin buy was inevitable. It occurred in May 2010. Laszlo Hanyecz of Florida exchanged 10,000 BTC for two pizzas with a Londoner. Even though a Bitcoin was worth less than a cent, interested companies spotted an opportunity. Bitcoin reached the cent price a few months later.

Bitcoin Market debuted in February 2010, followed by Mt. Gox in July. Slush, the first mining pool, began mining Bitcoin in the same year. Bitcoin mining pools pool their computing power. In November, Bitcoin’s market capitalization surpassed $1 million.

Bitcoin’s journey has not been without hiccups. In October, unconfirmed transactions totaled 184 billion BTC due to a Bitcoin protocol issue. The fault was then rectified.


In February 2011, 1 Bitcoin became worth $1 for the first time, after continuously climbing in value since surpassing the cent level.

Bitcoin began receiving both positive and bad press. Time Magazine published an article about Bitcoin the same year, while Gawker covered Silk Road, the dark web drug market where Bitcoin was often used as payment. Bitcoin’s value increased to over $30 in June due to the exposure. Then it fell to about $10.

Mt. Gox experienced a catastrophic security breach at the end of June, exposing several accounts and Bitcoins. This would not be the first security problem for Mt. Gox.


If 2011 was a rough year for Bitcoin, 2012 was a breeze. Among the significant milestones in Bitcoin’s path to becoming the world’s most valuable digital currency was its crossing the $100 mark in April.


Bitcoin’s price fluctuated throughout 2013, but it eventually reached the $1,000 mark and became the most known and successful wallet and exchange accessible.


For a moment, it came to a standstill. It quickly plummeted below $1,000 in January 2014 and struggled for many years below that critical threshold. There were a few notable events, such as cryptocurrency exchange Mt. Gox declaring bankruptcy and closing down. Still, this era was primarily defined by Bitcoin increasing and dropping somewhat but failing to hit its all-time high.


However, 2017 was Bitcoin’s most extensive and busiest year to date. After a frantic attempt in 2016 to claw its way back up, it ultimately approached and exceeded the $1,000 milestone in 2017. It continued climbing. By June, Bitcoin had reached a value of almost $3,000.

Nonetheless, several Bitcoin users expressed frustration with the network during this time period. The increasing number of Bitcoin miners resulted in higher transaction fees and increased processing time, prompting some to call for an increase in block size. This resulted in Bitcoin Cash’s (BCH) creation in August through a network split. Bitcoin Cash has surpassed Ethereum to become the fifth-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization.

Nonetheless, Bitcoin was on a roll for the duration of 2017. It had surpassed $6,000 by October. It started November at $10,000, and by December’s conclusion, Bitcoin had reached a high of $19,783. As the price continued to rise, more individuals and businesses started pursuing the trend. Unsurprisingly, it would not maintain that dizzying rate of expansion.


2018 has been a challenging year for Bitcoin users, particularly those who invested in the currency, hoping that the price would rise. Many people sold their Bitcoins while they could, and the price has continued to fall gradually throughout the year. Bitcoin’s price is at $6,542.78, down 67 percent from its peak.

For the following two years, Bitcoin’s price remained sideways, with brief spurts of activity. For instance, in June 2019, prices and trade volume saw a rise, with prices topping $10,000. By mid-December, it had fallen to $6,635.84.

In 2020, Bitcoin’s price resurrected when the economy ceased to function due to the COIVD-19 epidemic. The coin began the year with a value of $6,965.72. The influenza closure and following government action exacerbated investors’ concerns about the global economy, accelerating Bitcoin’s ascension. Bitcoin was trading at $19,157.16 at the end of business on November 23. Bitcoin’s price hit just less than $29,000 in December 2020, a 416 percent increase from the start of the year.


Bitcoin broke the milestone set in 2020 in less than a month in 2021, exceeding $40,000 in January 2021. By mid-April, Bitcoin values had risen to fresh all-time highs of over $60,000 after the public offering of Coinbase, a cryptocurrency exchange. Institutional interest pushed the price further, and on April 12, 2021, Bitcoin hit a high of $63,000.

By the summer of 2021, prices had fallen by 50%, reaching a low of $29,795.55 on July 19. In September, Autumn saw another bull run with prices reaching $52,693.32 but then plummeting to $40,709.59 less than two weeks later.

Bitcoin set a new all-time high of $68,990.90.16 on November 10, 2021. Bitcoin plummeted to $49,243.39 in early December 2021 before fluctuating further as investors continued to be concerned about inflation and the advent of a new variation of COVID-19, Omicron. And at the time of writing, the price of Bitcoin was $46,532.90 on April 2, 2022.

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